Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Time, time everywhere and never enough...

Well, hello world! Time is an evil thing, is it not? Never enough when you need it and too much when you don't want it. Take for instance the news of someone's physical decline. Sitting in a waiting room for hours is definitely too much time. Or how about the weeks when you have Dr. appointments, work, activities, services, birthdays, visitors, and much more? Then you never can have enough time to get anything done. But why is this? Do we not prioritize correctly? Are we planning too much? Are we not planning enough? Why do we have these constant struggles with "time"? The answer is...yes to all, and no at the same time. I believe two of the key words for managing time properly are: Responsibility and Contentment.
Responsibility = to be mentally accountable.
Good description. Especially since responsibility can't be forced on anyone. You can't make someone responsible. Sure you can make them get things done in a certain time period...but are they mentally accountable? Are they choosing to be responsible? Only they will know. When they have no one to keep them accountable- then their true attitude towards responsibility will show (Galatians 6:5 "For every man shall bear his own burden"). Responsibility isn't something that just comes naturally, unfortunately. If that were the case I might be getting a whole lot more done than what I am now. I might even be working on this online coursework staring at me instead of writing the next post for me oh so unpopular blog. (I've never been good at keeping a blog honestly. Five posts and I'm done.) So what do we know? Responsibility is only something you can do. It is something you have to work at. People cannot be forced to be responsible. Your attitude reflects your responsibility.
Contentment = a state of happiness and satisfaction.
When I think of contentment, I think I should be happy with what I have...my family, my house, my clothes, my boyfriend, my job. All of these are (for the most part) tangible things but have you ever been content with your time? When you're stressed and you feel like you don't have enough, are you content with your time? There are two areas of being content.
First, you must be content with the time that you have to use (Future tense). For example: two days to plan a 300 guest wedding. This would stress me out, especially since I just love schedules and planning but when you look at the task before you and the time you have to fulfill that task, you may not be content with what you see. Sometimes you just won't have all the time you want to plan or do something. (Stop my beating heart! Now there's a revelation.) Instead of stressing out, grumbling or complaining (Philippians 2:14 "Do all things without murmurings and disputings"), use the time you have right then as best you can and remember where your strength comes from. (Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.")
Second, you must be content with how you used your time (Past tense). When all is said and done, how do you feel? Obviously you aren't perfect. You just can't possibly manage your time to the perfect 'T', but did you do all that you possibly could to the max? Did you exercise as much responsibility as you could to manage your time? If so, then stop stressing. You did the best you could and that's all God asks. (Colossians 3:23 "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men.") You will make yourself sick worrying over what you could've, would've or should've done but when all is said and done there's nothing else you can do. Exercise your contentment that you did your best. If, on the other hand, you did NOT do your best, learn from your mistakes. Maybe those flowers you promised to deliver at five didn't get there til the next day at two because you forgot. Seems you have a memory problem: write it down. Look back on your mistakes and learn from them.
I hope what I have shared has been a blessing to one. Most of it is just practical thoughts and ideas. Time can be your best dream...or your worst nightmare. What do you choose to do with it?

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