Monday, May 9, 2011


I sit amongst the sinners
Myself being the worst
But still my anger kindles towards
Fake smiles, cold hands, and more

They bob their heads mechanically
They whisper or shout "Amens"
But soon they'll leave the service
And return to sin again

"Hypocrites!" I want to scream
"How dare you show your face!
Your lies, your lusts, and your deceits
Changing from place to place

You have no love, you have no care
For anything you hear
You're lazy, wicked, selfish ones
But claim that God is near"

"Hypocrite" The word slipped out
My gaze trailed to the cross
I thought of what my Savior did
My gain had caused his loss.

Jesus, the only man
To fully pay the price
Had sacrificed for anyone
Knowing it would suffice.

The people I had scorned and mocked
Were mirrors of myself
By using the word "hypocrite"
I had defined myself

"Hypocrite" I thought again
Then I truly did see
I hadn't realized it til now
The "hypocrite" was me!

1 comment:

  1. Anyone that is offended by being called a hypocrite apparently doesn't know the Apostle Paul's story. Also, anyone that doesn't admit that they are a hypocrite and they act "holier than thou" are like the religious leaders of Christ's day, so use to the "religiocity" or the traditions that they are blinded by it.
