Sunday, February 26, 2017

Thank God for a clogged sink!

You know those situations where things are really bad? I mean so bad and frustrating that you just want to give up so you do. You throw your hands up and give up for the rest of the day and think "It will be better tomorrow" and then you get some horrible Ground Hog Day rerun of the terrible day you had before.
That's the kind of week I've had. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, would go wrong. It was a frustrating work week, things were breaking, I forgot important things, I basically gave up on housework, the sleep just wasn't feeling me and my husband was having his own frustrations.
One of my biggest complaints from this week was the leaking/clogging of my kitchen sink. I finally stored enough effort to do housework and I'm playing superwoman trying to get everything done at the same time...much later in the evening than I probably should have. The mounds of dishes that have piled themselves in and around the sink are still there due to my lack of maid or magical wand and I begin to wash. It doesn't take too long before I notice that the water is failing to go down the drain. Add another 30 seconds to my story and we suddenly have water gushing underneath the sink. Mind you, this is the dirty water that has exploded onto everything under my sink. So now, not only do I have mounds of dirty dishes, but I have various bottles of cleaning supplies that are disgusting and no sink to wash any of this in.
At this point, you may be thinking "How does this post have anything to do with thanking God?" Fortunately for me, I have a very loving and self-sacrificing husband who not only tried to repair my sink, but spent late night hours crawling under the house to fix it. While trying to fix this clog, my husband discovered that we were one toilet flush away from backing our whole septic system into our house. Well, basically it was already backing up into the pipes, it just hadn't made it to our bathrooms and such. So, praise the Lord for a clogged sink! If not for a clogged sink that my husband investigated, we would have had an even bigger mess on our hands. Pardon the pun.
I'm not going to lie. I truly believe that it is only by God's mercy that this didn't end up worse. The man who came to pump our tank said he was amazed that we hadn't had some sort of problem much earlier.
While we are talking about God's mercy in a very small way, we also have His amazing mercy in the giant things of life, like not giving us what we deserve: permanent spiritual death. "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." ~Lamentations 3:22-23  I am so thankful for God's tender mercy towards me as a sinful and useless human being. In spite of myself, He still decided to send His son to suffer and die for me even though I have done everything to NOT deserve it. It's hilarious how you realize that bad weeks aren't really as bad as they seem to be in the moment and God shows Himself evident and working in our lives even through backed up pipes!

P.S. The reason for the system backing up isn't due to our lack of attentiveness as homeowners. We had bigger problems than just a full tank. Again, pardon the pun!